Reconnecting with Your Rhythms

burn out self care Jan 28, 2025
An infographic of mindful self care and the pillars of self care.

Many of us are familiar with the fact that life all around us moves in cycles. The seasons change, different fruits and vegetables flourish at different times of the year, the moon and sun trace a constant yet ever-changing pattern through our skies, and women’s menstrual cycles follow similarly beautiful, rhythmic movements. Cycling through changes of state is a feature of being alive.

What’s easy to forget, though, is that these cycles exist within us, too. The human body is a masterpiece of rhythms, from the steady beat of our hearts to the intricate dance of hormones, energy levels, and even moods. Yet in today’s fast-paced world, we often lose touch with these natural rhythms. We push ourselves to be productive at all costs, ignoring the subtle signals our bodies send us until they become impossible to ignore.


The Mind-Body Disconnect

The busy, modern world in many ways is designed to perpetuate this disconnect between what we know and what we feel. There is such an overload about what we should be doing to stay healthy, it often seems like the information contradicts itself… “eat this”, “don’t eat this”, “do that”, “don’t do that”. Added to that we are surrounded by foods that are designed to be hyper-palatable, making us want to eat more and more, triggering our hunger cues and leaving us never feeling full. We live in environments with artificial light & constant stimulation- from the bright lights of hospitals and workplaces to the blue light emitted from our devices, our brains struggle to make the necessary hormonal adaptations to darkness needed to ensure a fitful sleep. We dedicate so much of our time and energy to work and online interactions that it leaves us little space to nurture the important connections with friends & family needed to normalise the normal fluctuations of health and wellbeing that we all experience. What this often results in is a body & mind that feel disconnected and difficult to understand leaving us ‘out of sync’ with the messages that our bodies and minds send us, on edge, over-stimulated and in what is often referred to as a state of Functional FreezeThis is a state of being where our body simply ‘goes through the motions’ of life, doing the necessary things to survive but not able to tolerate unexpected demands, learn new things or flourish in the way that we all hope to. There is so much messaging that our poor, tired brains don’t know what to take in and what to ignore so they begin to block everything out while the body functions on auto-pilot.

In this state, the idea of doing more seems unattainable. Life is about surviving, not thriving.

I get it. I’ve been there myself. 

So in this sort of sympathetically driven, chronically stressed state, how on earth can you learn how to slow down and connect with what your body is telling you? 


The Power of Listening to Your Body

As a doctor, I’ve seen how transformative it can be when people begin to reconnect with their own rhythms. Tuning in to the cycles within your body isn’t just about avoiding illness; it’s about optimising your well-being and living in harmony with yourself. But when you’re coming at this from a state of being chronically stressed and overwhelmed you will probably find that the only messages your body & mind are giving you are loud and uncomfortable- they’re aches and pains, they’re bloating and neck stiffness, they’re ruminating thoughts and trouble falling asleep. 

So where do you start?

I’m going to preface this by saying, obviously if there is something that you are worried about in terms of your health or the health of someone who you care for, your GP is the best person to discuss that with. But outside of that, what I’m going to encourage you to do is to start small with these simple actions- remembering that you won’t do these ‘perfectly’ straight away, or even in the first few weeks. This is about showing up for yourself with consistency and compassion as you begin to allow the noise of your busy life to settle (if you want some extra help with this try checking out my previous blog called ‘The Glass Analogy’ about starting meditation, the premise is exactly the same) so that you can finally hear your body and mind as they let you know what you need.

Here are some simple ways to begin reconnecting with your body’s rhythms:

  1. Listen to Your Body’s Signals
    Our bodies are constantly communicating with us, but we’re not always great at listening. Start keeping a journal of how you feel throughout the day or week. Notice patterns—energy highs and lows, emotional shifts, certain foods making you feel uncomfortable or even subtle physical symptoms like headaches or tension. These patterns often reveal how well your body is adapting to the demands of your life. Try not to focus too much on any one feeling or sensation, but rather just list them and reflect on what you have been doing that day.
  2. Honour Your Sleep-Wake Cycle
    The circadian rhythm is one of our body’s most fundamental cycles, regulating everything from our sleep to our digestion and even our mood. Prioritise a consistent sleep schedule- going to bed at roughly the same time every night and most importantly, waking at the same time every morning. I know how tempting a weekend sleep-in is when you’ve been struggling with sleep, but that morning wake up sets the tone for your whole day so try to keep it consistent. It’s also important to aim for natural light exposure in the morning to help regulate your internal clock and set off those hormonal cues that eventually lead to you feeling tired at night time. When it comes to your sleep, even small changes, like limiting caffeine intake in the afternoon, dimming lights in the evening or avoiding screens before bed, can make a big difference.
  3. Move in Tune with Your Energy
    Instead of forcing yourself into high-intensity workouts when your body feels drained, try gentler movements like yoga, walking, or stretching. On days when you feel energised, embrace that momentum with more vigorous activity. Learning how to ask yourself what you feel like doing and honouring that- movement is about balance, not punishment.
  4. Support Your Body with Seasonal Eating
    Just as nature cycles through seasons, our nutritional needs often shift with them. Incorporate fresh, local produce into your meals to nourish your body in alignment with the seasons, limit processed foods and try to eat around the outside of your supermarket- vegetables, fruits, meats and eggs. Eating seasonally not only supports your health by ensuring that the food you eat is fresh and minimally processed, it also fosters a deeper connection with the world around you and is better for the environment.


Finding Balance in a Busy World

Reconnecting with your body’s rhythms doesn’t require major life changes. It’s about small, mindful adjustments—like pausing to check in with yourself before saying yes to that extra commitment or setting aside time each day to rest and recharge. When you work with your body, rather than against it, you’ll find over time you begin to more easily hear those subtle signals that it sends you about your capacity, your energy levels, your desires and intentions which will help you to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs.

You don’t have to wait until something feels “off” to start listening—the sooner you start paying attention, the more empowered you’ll feel to make choices that support your health and as a General Practitioner (GP), a large part of our role is helping you identify and honour these cycles, so you can live in greater alignment with yourself. Whether it’s through early health interventions, personalised advice, or simply a listening ear, your GP’s goal is to help you thrive in the face of life’s rhythms and challenges so they are a great place to start if you're needing some practical support.

If you would like some support in developing your own habits of mindful self care then check out the ways that we can work together in this:

Life will always move in cycles, but when we embrace them with curiosity and care we unlock the potential to live not just longer lives, but fuller ones.



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