In The Media 





Media Bio

Condensing decades of study in a broad range of topics including clinical medicine, health & human behaviour and the contemplative practices of mindfulness meditation & self inquiry, Emily brings to the table a multifaceted and holistic approach to self care and behaviour change. A qualified General Practitioner, yoga & meditation teacher, Emily loves integrating mindfulness, yoga and breath work into her approach to mindfulness based self care. She is adept at distilling often complex concepts into understandable and easy to follow, actionable wellbeing practices. This forms the basis of her holistic concept of Basic Life Support Self Care ™ which she loves teaching to others, particularly her colleagues in healthcare.

​As a self professed "square peg" and having burnt out herself, Emily loves working with people to help them find happiness and fulfilment in a world full of both round and square holes without expecting the world or others to change for us. She is a wife and working mother to two beautiful children who knows only too well that in order to "have it all" we must first decide exactly what "it" is and build the support team around you that you need in order to get it. She loves painting (but hates cleaning brushes) and can often be found with her family in the beautiful and peaceful surrounds of the Victorian high country.


Mastering Intensive Care

Burnout, wellbeing, mindfulness, stress management, life balance & psychological safety with Dr Andrew Davies.

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The Work Wives Podcast

This was an amazing conversation with Anna & Sarah about my love for both Eastern & Western wellbeing practices.

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Balanced Medics Handover Podcast

Talking about portfolio careers for doctors with Dr Isabella Townshend.

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Therapists Rising Podcast

Talking about self care for doctors & those in the healing professions with Dr Hayley Kelly.

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The Burnout Recovery Podcast

Talking about my own burnout experience and running retreats for doctors with Dr Jo Braid.

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Just a GP Podcast

Joining hosts Dr Ashlea Broomfield, A/Prof Charlotte Hespe and Dr Rebekah Hoffman to discuss my own journey through burn out and setting up a new business.

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The GP Show Podcast

A wonderfully meandering chat with Dr Sam Manger about burn out and healing healthcare.

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XY Advisor

Joining financial advisor Jess Brady to talk about dealing with stress, and what advisers can do to avoid burnout.

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Authentic Tea

Talking awareness, mindfulness and burn out with Dr Rachel Beanland from Resilience Yoga.

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Medical Mums Chat

Talking burn out, medicine and finding balance in life with Dr Bek Ledingham from Medical Mums Chat.

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The Black Dog Institute- Navigating Burnout e-course for Health Professionals

Dr Amos was thrilled to be part of the creation of the Navigating Burnout online course for health professionals that forms a key component of the Essential Network for Health Professionals by The Black Dog Institute. Having her own lived experience of burnout as well as professional experience in managing it for her patients she provided a unique and moving insight.

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Using mindfulness and meditation to manage pain.


Awakened Mumma Wellness

The Beauty of Mindfulness in Cancer.


Medic Guild

How to Avoid Burnout: Basic Life Support Self Care for Doctors.



Putting your job above all else is the norm.



When friends and family ask for medical advice.


Medical Republic

The steep cost of our food allergies.



GP calls for improvements to allergy process.


House of Wellness

Unexpected side effects of weight gain.
