Mind.Life.Me. the podcast logo with image of Dr Emily Amos seated and smiling at screen

Episode 6

Are you one of those people who has had "start meditating" or "practice mindfulness" on your to-do list for ages but not quite got there?

Well this is the episode for you!!


So many of us expect ourselves to be able to jump straight in and practice mindfulness perfectly, so much so that when we find it difficult it can be easy to give up. In this weeks episode I talk about:

  • How this desire to practice perfectly can actually get in the way of us practicing at all.
  • How everyday things you're already doing can be stepping stones into your mindfulness or meditation practice.
  • That we still still need to be aware of our tendency towards stimulation addiction even with mindfulness and meditation.
  • Most importantly- what you can do about it!!!

As always, I'm here because I want to bring my love of mindfulness and meditation to the world so if these are things you want to learn more about you can catch my Mindfulness Masterclass- a short 30 minute video with bonus meditation and mindfulness worksheet- via my website: Mindfulness Masterclass


I would love for you to connect with me via social media as well:

Instagram: @dremilyamos

Facebook: @dremilyamos


The information provided on the Mind.Life.Me. podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you have read or heard here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.