"Thought provoking, genuine, warm and engaging".

Want a speaker to help your audience to identify ways to find balance and calm in their own busy lives?

What I talk about? 


I know what it feels like to be addicted to the busyness of life. We fall into patterns of behaviour and thoughts without ever asking ourselves whether we actually want to be doing something.

Having worked for over a decade to become a General Practitioner I was exactly where I thought I wanted to be. But life was so overwhelmingly exhausting- caring for my family and my patients- I burnt my candle out completely because I never stopped to take care of myself in all that busyness. The irony of the fact that I dedicated my professional life to helping others manage their stress and take care of themselves not lost on me.

Knowing how to take care of ourselves is a vastly different thing from actually putting that knowledge into practice.

No one is going to tap you on the shoulder and tell you to be kind to yourself, to place and hold compassionate boundaries or to learn how to quieten that voice of self criticism inside us that tells us we're not good enough to be here.

We have to learn how to do those things for ourselves to prevent burn out.

As a priority, not an after thought. 

Redefining what is meant by the term 'self care' and teaching busy high achievers how to bridge that disconnect between knowing and doing is my mission and joy in life. Learning how to truly cherish & take care of ourselves is the act of service that we give as a gift to the world.


My Keynote Topics

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

Mindfulness for Busy High Achievers

Unconventional mindfulness that helps us to learn how to turn the volume down on our thoughts without using food, devices or other distractions.

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

Lessons from Burnout

A very personal account of the fallout from burning out myself, the irony of doing it while helping others to manage their own stress and how I have learnt to practice authentic & holistic self care in the years since. 

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

The Forgotten Art of Stillness

With our collective addiction to being constantly on the move and doing, many of us have actually forgotten how to allow our bodies & minds to come to rest.

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

Adjusting to Clinical Life for Junior Doctors

My top tips for junior doctors to take care of themselves and make the transition from medical student to doctor easier & less stressful.

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

The Empathy Spectrum

We don't all experience empathy the same, particularly true in the health & healing professions. For those who exist at the more empathic end of the spectrum, we must learn to care differently to avoid burn out. 

Dr Emily Amos Speakers topics

Mindful Support for New Parents

Lessons from a GP & IBCLC about teaching new parents what is normal, sitting with uncertainty and holding space for their own emotional responses.


Something else in mind?

Then please get in touch and we can explore your specific requirements.

Discuss Availability

 Want to help your employees or audience to reflect on their own lives and levels of self care with something a bit more in depth than a keynote address? Then consider a workshop created and delivered by Dr Emily Amos- General Practitioner, speaker, registered yoga and mindfulness meditation teacher.

Learn more

Dr Amos often provides expert commentary for media.Ā She is engaging, knowledgable andĀ experienced across many different forms of media.